皇冠现金官网hgze新站是一所天主教学校, college preparatory school called to address the educational needs of our students; including those with learning disabilities and individual learning differences to the extent that we can reasonably do so.
The 迈克尔·尤弗学习计划 is a comprehensive support program to help students succeed in the classroom and be in charge of their own learning. All students in the 迈克尔·尤弗学习计划 fully participate in the college preparatory program. The services provided are those that can be implemented within the existing schedule and curriculum. 我们的老师采用最好的教学方法. 皇冠现金官网hgze新站 offers academic support classes within the block schedule and individualized learning plans.
主教皇冠99hg现金网的迈克尔·乌弗学业成功计划, 在西雅图大主教管区的天主教学校中独一无二, was established in 2001 in honor of 迈克尔 Ufer because his example serves as its inspiration.
迈克尔 tragically passed away in 2000, the summer before his sophomore year at Bishop Blanchet. 迈克尔, 就像其他在学习过程中遇到困难的学生一样, achieved success only through tremendous effort and significant support outside the classroom. 他需要帮助才能成功,但不希望学术期望降低. 因此, 迈克尔 Ufer Academic 支持 classes are designed to help students help themselves within Bishop Blanchet’s rigorous college preparatory curriculum. 这些类, 以及其他教育资源和服务, are the cornerstone of a collective academic support effort that enables our students to succeed at Bishop Blanchet and it provides students with critical life skills. 自2001年成立以来, 迈克尔的父母建立了一个捐赠基金, 这将使该计划在未来几年发展壮大.